As some of you may know a month ago we were given the opportunity to try Time for Learning for a month, in exchange for my review.
Well our month is up, and here are some of my thoughts:
1. I really enjoyed the ease of navigating the site. My (almost) 5 year old could easily use it as well.
2. Everything is simply laid out. I don't know about you but when I go on a website, or read/study something I need it to be a point blank kind of thing. Our son is the same way. Very's what you is your next lesson.
3. Colt could freely choose what lesson he wanted to do. I think it is important for little ones to be able to make "big to them" decisions. This allowed him to do so. He was even able to start something, do another thing, and then come back to his original task.
4. The lessons were easy to understand.
5. Colt said he enjoyed "playing the games!!" That's always a win for me!
1. We used this as a "after I get done with my school work but still need something to do" type of thing. We did this in addition to our regular school work. So it is a little pricey to me if you used it solely as we did.
2. I felt there were times where Colt was not challenged enough, it seemed quite simple to complete a lesson to him. Therefore, he got a little distracted at times, and wanted to do something else. But he did enjoy the activities when he was doing them! :)
Overall I was pleased with the program, and it is something we will absolutely consider using in our schooling, and with our other children! If you are looking for something to use in addition to you school, I would recommend giving it a shot for sure!
Please Note: All opinions about Time 4 Learning are completely my own, however I was compensated.

Hope everyone is having a great week so far. We a busy getting ready for Colts birthday this weekend, and wrapping a few last presents. I hope to have a Christmastime home tour up soon!